El Tigre’s Taste Buds LLC 🔥🌶

Freelance Foodie Blogger, Marketer & Writer of Tampa Bay

Escritor Bloguero, Comercializador y Escritor Gastronómico Independiente de Tampa Bay

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, YouTube, & Lemon8

🇺🇸 🇲🇽 🇨🇳 🇯🇵 🇨🇺 🇧🇷 🇬🇹 🇨🇴 🇭🇳 🇭🇹 🇹🇷 🇸🇻 🇻🇪 🇮🇳 🇻🇳 🇬🇷🇻🇪 🇵🇪 🇹🇭 🇯🇲 🇵🇷 🇦🇷

I review and promote Restaurants, Bars, Coffee Shops & Food Trucks

Reviso y escribo sobre Restaurantes, Bares, Cafeterías y camiones de Comida

Mission Statement

We all have to eat. I’m a writer. For many years I enjoyed the international foods that this region of Florida has to offer. My goal is to write about and recommend specific establishments that go above and beyond for their customers as well as the best tasting foods you will find. Let’s face it. The Pandemic and the rise of the cost of living in Florida has prevented many people from going back out to the places they love. Let’s get everyone to go out again. The diversity in Florida is better than ever before. So Follow the Flavor! 🔥

Todos tenemos que comer. Soy escritor. Durante muchos años disfruté de la comida internacional que esta región de Florida tiene para ofrecer. Mi objetivo es escribir y recomendar establecimientos específicos que vayan más allá para sus clientes, así como los alimentos con mejor sabor que encontrarás. Seamos realistas. La pandemia y el aumento del costo de vida en Florida ha impedido que muchas personas regresen a los lugares que aman. Hagamos que todos salgan de nuevo. La diversidad en Florida es mejor que nunca. ¡Así que sigue el sabor! 🌶


Projects Completed


Client Satisfaction Rate

My Inspiration

Believe it or not My Inspiration Came from a McDonald’s Manager. This woman inspired me to go into this business and help others. This woman is very dedicated professional and goes above and beyond for her employees and the customers of her store. Se is all about Great Customer Service and making the Customer Happy. She is a Great Leader and her staff loves working for her. In addition, she has The Greatest Smile in the World! She taught me that the customers come first and to deliver their order on time. That means us as restaurant patrons, we strive to get the best experience at Restaurants , Bars Coffee Shops and Food Trucks. 🔥🔥

A Leader is One who Knows the Way,
Goes the Way and Shows the Way

Mi inspiración vino de un Gerente de McDonald’s. Esta mujer me inspiró a dedicarme a este negocio. Esta mujer es una Profesional Muy Dedicada y sacrificio para sus empleados y los clientes de su tienda. Ella siempre ayuda los clientes. A su employados le encanta trabajar para ella. Y Ella tiene las Mas Bonita Sonrisa del Mundo! Ella me enseñó que los clientes son Primero. Eso significa que somos clientes de restaurantes. Somos los clientes que nos esforzamos por conseguir la mejor experiencia en Restaurantes, Bares, Cafeterías y Cambiones de Comida. 🌶🌶

The McDonald’s Manager




The McDonald’s Manager

The McDonals’s Video

Good Tasting Coffee is so Important to begin the Day

El café de buen sabor es muy importante para comenzar el día

Taste is about Method

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Award Winning Agency

Tony El Tigre

Tony El Tigre

Recent Posts

  • El Tigre’s Writings – Blogs

    Cuban Express Sandwiches Food Truck Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL This is my very 1st Food Truck Review. On Saturday I took a trip to Tampa to discover the Best Cuban in Tampa Bay. When I arrived there was a young woman who greeted me with a smile and explained the full menu of the Food…

  • My Google Reviews

      Angelo’s Grill & Bar St Petersburg Follow the Flavor  This place is classic! I have not been to an Italian restaurant like this in years. The food came out in less than 5 minutes. The Philly cheesesteak had a great flavor. They did not overstuff it like what most places do. It was perfect!…

  • I’m a Writer

  • My Google Reviews

      Angelo’s Grill & Bar St Petersburg Follow the Flavor  This place is classic! I have not been to an Italian restaurant like this in years. The food came out in less than 5 minutes. The Philly cheesesteak had a great flavor. They did not overstuff it like what most places do. It was perfect!…

  • I’m a Writer

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Where I Been

Let’s Talk

Invite me to your Restaurant, Bar, Coffee Shop or Food Truck. Let’s make it better. Let’s make it interesting. Let’s make it fun. Let’s make you profit.

Invítame a tu Restaurante, Tu Barra, Tu Cafetería o Tu Food Truck. Hagámoslo mejor. Hagámoslo interesante. Hagámoslo divertido. Vamos a hacer que usted gane.